Thursday, 13 January 2011

Mission statement

Hi there :)

As this is my first blog entry I'll keep things brief!

My name is Dave Wallace, and I am heading out to Georgia (the country, not the state...) to teach English. I'm taking part in a government-run programme called 'Teach and Learn with Georgia'. Over the coming years (as far as I'm aware this project began last year, but if I'm incorrect please correct me) an estimated 1000 native English speakers will head across to Georgia to teach the English language in schools. One of the main purposes of this programme is to help schoolchildren learn the English language. Check out the TLG website for more info.

I should put in a quick word about the recruiting agency I went through to get to where I am now. Footprints Recruiting, a Canadian-based company, is one of the leading companies in the world for placing ESL teachers abroad. I have to say they were brilliant through the whole application process, always providing support and assistance where necessary. I would recommend them to anyone who wishes to teach English abroad, as their service is top-notch. The website is full of relevant information so even if you're just considering it, have a look round their site anyway.

I'll try and keep this blog updated as often as possible. With things that I regard as 'novel' (for example, writing a blog for the first time!) the chances are I'll post plenty of entries for the first few weeks and never update it again after that. However, I will do my utmost to keep this blog updated whilst in Georgia. To be honest, I don't think I'll be writing entries the length of a novel, so perhaps quick notes on my thoughts, experiences and observations whilst living in Georgia will be just as interesting. Less is more and all that...

A bit about myself if you don't know me personally:

I'm from Scotland, 22 years old, and I graduated from University last year. Now's not the best of times to be graduating in the country considering the lack of jobs out there, so I thought I'd go on my travels and see what I can learn along the way. Teaching in Georgia is a fantastic opportunity and a challenge I'm relishing. I leave in two days, but I guess that's a story for my next blog...

1 comment:

  1. Hello, and welcome to the blogosphere!
